Instructional Programs

Beginner Tennis – Any age

Picking up the racquet for the first time? You’ve come to the right place. Perfect for the camper that has not played many matches or even full sets and would like to learn the fundamentals of the game.

Tennis Lite – Ages 8-14

Same quality instruction but will have less tennis time and more fun activities such as waterskiing, kneeboarding, swimming, art, climbing and much more. Basic fundamentals taught without the pressure of competition.

Intermediate Level Tennis – Ages 10-15

This tennis player has played matches and knows that he or she needs more top level instruction and training to carry them to the next level.

Advanced Tennis – Ages 12-17

For tennis players with aspirations of playing on their high school team and possibly college. Campers will play in tournaments and enjoy competition.

Elite Tennis

For an advanced player that has competed, trained and been exposed to a high level of competition. Special intense training and instruction which includes V1 Video Analysis, Tournament Play and special Certified Tennis Performance Fitness Training.

Call 207-729-2267 or Toll-Free in the US 1-800-GOLF-CAMP (465-3226)
